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Battle (Escape) - Contact (NDS 2006)

Monday - 3rd March 2025

did the "dissection" today. didn't even cut anything! what a joke. i mean, the specimen were still cool, sure, but how could this be called a dissection? it was an observation. a study. people still complained about it being gross and shit (why did you decide to take this class?). also, i could not get the camera to focus AT ALL on most of my shots. heart breaking, truly.

i watched 3 of the 4 subspecies movies today. oh my god. half way through the 2nd movie i was fed up. the plot is annoyingly pointless. there did not need to be this many movies. everybody takes way too long to decide to do really obvious shit and it makes the whole thing so painfully predictable. Rabu dies each movie. none of it matters. though, the special effects were super up my alley. i loved the old corpse lady, she was pretty gnarly.

i think most people see me as mentally unstable or a nerd who's only worth talking to for help on answers or some other BS and it is really starting to piss me way off.

Sunday - 2nd March 2025

okay! i've decided that i'm going to actually do a journal on here. it sort of feels like overkill, since i already write in an actual, physical journal, blog, statuscafe etc.... but who cares. that's what i'm telling myself. maybe i'll try to take pictures to go with these.
i get to dissect a sheep brain tomorrow! i'll totally upload photos of that FOR SURE

there was just a crazy earthquake. a bunch of shit fell off my shelves. my house is going to crumble one day

11/14/22 | 11/15/22 | 11/27/22 | 12/03/22 | 01/01/23